Thursday, December 24, 2009

و أخيراً تحصلت علي إجازة :) Finally I got a Vacation for the Unfinished Job

السلام عليكم
و أخيراً تحصلت علي إجازة طويلة يمكننا من خلالها الإنتهاء من الإصدار الجديد الذي عططططططل جداً

I'm preparing a new version of WW and am gonna release it in a week or so

it's a long process and a bit complicated
and I don't want to release an ordinary unattended release

either I release something worth it and good (and better the previous releases) or I don't release at all :(

mean while check this page:

the Official Page for Wesmosis' Windows XP Pre-Sp3 v2.5